Wood-fired pizza Margherita is a classic Italian dish known for its simple yet delicious flavors. The secret to a perfect wood-fired pizza Margherita lies in a few key factors: the dough, the sauce, the cheese, and the cooking process.


High-quality ingredients:Use high-protein flour , water, salt, and yeast. Quality ingredients will result in a better-tasting dough.

Proper hydration:The dough should be hydrated enough to be elastic and easy to work with but not overly wet.

Slow fermentation: This fermentation process improves the flavor and texture of the dough.


Simplicity:The sauce for Margherita pizza is traditionally made with San Marzano tomatoes, which are known for their rich flavor. Crush the tomatoes by use of a blender for a chunkier texture.

Minimal seasoning:Keep the seasoning simple with just a touch of salt and a drizzle of olive oil. The focus should be on the natural sweetness of the tomatoes.


Fresh mozzarella:Use fresh mozzarella cheese, preferably made from buffalo milk. It has a creamy texture and mild flavor that complements the other ingredients. Tear the mozzarella into small pieces and distribute them evenly across the pizza.


Exquisite toppings finely made with intent to bring uniqueness in every pizza.

Cooking process:

Preheat the oven:A wood-fired pizza oven should be heated to a high temperature, typically around 800°F (425°C), to achieve the characteristic crispy and blistered crust.

Use a pizza stone or peel:Place the pizza dough on a preheated pizza stone or use a wooden peel dusted with flour or cornmeal for easy transfer into the oven.

Quick cooking:Cook the pizza for a short time in the hot oven. Wood-fired pizzas typically take only a few minutes to cook, so keep a close eye on it to avoid burning.

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