• 1. San Marzano Tomatoes: Neapolitan pizza features San Marzano tomatoes, a type of plum tomato known for its sweet, tangy flavor and low acidity. These tomatoes are usually grown in the volcanic soil of the Campania region in Italy.
  • 2. Fresh Mozzarella Cheese:Fresh mozzarella cheese is a hallmark of Neapolitan pizza. It's made from cow's milk and has a soft, creamy texture. It's often torn into small pieces and scattered on the pizza.
  • 3. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil:Extra-virgin olive oil, typically of high quality, is drizzled over the pizza before or after baking. It adds a rich, fruity flavor and enhances the overall experience.
  • 4. Basil Leaves: Fresh basil leaves are a classic topping for Neapolitan pizza, providing a burst of herbal aroma and flavor. They are usually added after baking for a fresh touch.
  • 5. Simple Dough:Neapolitan pizza dough is made from just four fundamental ingredients: flour, water, salt, and yeast. The simplicity of the dough allows the other ingredients to shine.
  • 6. Sea Salt: Sea salt is used to season the dough and enhance its flavor. It plays a crucial role in achieving the desired taste and texture of the crust.
  • 7. Wood-Fired Cooking: While not an ingredient per se, the wood-fired brick oven is an essential element in Neapolitan pizza preparation. The high heat from the wood fire cooks the pizza quickly and imparts a unique smoky flavor to the crust.
  • 8. Minimalistic Approach: Neapolitan pizza follows a minimalist philosophy, emphasizing the quality and freshness of each ingredient. This approach results in a pizza that is simple yet bursting with flavor.

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